In the dark gloom of Nal Hutta’s lower levels, you see harsh spotlights illuminate the top of a broken building. Black metals and transparisteel have been melted into a vaguely flat surface at the top of the building, and catwalks connect it to the dilapidated structures nearby. An ancient and battered starship sits atop the slagged roof, the vapors coming from its engines adding to the foul and harsh acrid smell of the air.

The starship itself looks almost as ruined as its makeshift dock. It once may have been a mighty space yacht, but its barge-like form is now covered in mismatched replacement parts and oddly shaped patches, and an ugly turbolaser turret sticks out of the ship’s top like a boil. Faded letters spelling out Lost Lady can barely be made out on the side of its battered hull. A lopsided gangplank leads up to an airlock in the side of the ship, and at the top stands an equally battered-looking old Sullustan.

He waves you on, his jowls contorting in what might be a smile. “Come, come,” he says in Basic. “I am Vir Nurb, owner of the Lost Lady. We depart immediately. Do not worry, my friends—this old lady is the sturdiest ship in the system.”

Insert Session 1.

Hey buddy! Some flight that was, eh? Aren’t you glad you had us on board?” Daab, the Toydarian says to Vir Nurb.

Rix takes another long sip of his drink, “I have to admit, without us, I’m not sure the Lost Lady would have made it Vir.”

At first, Vir seems to avoid the questions with a long sip of his knockoff Jaraniz cocktail, but then let’s out a seemingly embarrassed chuckle.

“I’ve been running this seedy route for quite a while now. I keep the right pockets full to ensure my cargo makes it to its destination but I haven’t really ever had excitement like that. I sure do appreciate all of your help though and to show that, I will gladly offer transportation between Nal Hutta and here anytime you need.”

Daab replies, “Very kind of you friend. We accept your offer. So what is this place all about, eh? What kind of work…or trouble, can we get into here?”

“There is certainly plenty of trouble to be had here,” Vir says. “It will often find you even when you’re not looking for it. Knowing you lot can handle yourself though, I’ll make some calls and see who I can put you in touch with.”

The Sullustan throws back the rest of his beverage and stands up from the table while sliding over a simple datacard.

“Here’s my comm information, reach out in a few days and I’ll see what I have. But for now, I’ve gotta get back to the Lady. Cargo doesn’t make money by sittin’ still. See you around, and thanks again.”

R2-03 and HK-24 wave farewell to Vir and turn to their companions. R2 beeps Well, that was exciting! Though, I think HK and I are glad to have our struts back on less “explode-y” ground.

[27-Apr-20 10:50 PM] zheadings#6134
Kade sips a tumbler of Corellian ale. “Yeah, that wasn’t what you’d call … ideal.”

[27-Apr-20 11:02 PM] viperhide#5728
Daab smirks at Kade. “I think you don’t have dee right perspective, Kade, eh? We made some money, got some weapons and met some new friends. Did we not?” Daab laughs and looks at the droids for support.

[27-Apr-20 11:07 PM] Dewmer#4204
HK looks to Daab. He says ”You’re right, Daab. At the very least, financial gains and some new allies can show to be very advantageous”
R2 steps in to say ”And it’s quite nice to not just have one another to keep us company! I look forward to our future adventures”

[27-Apr-20 11:18 PM] zheadings#6134
Kade chuckles. “Now,” he drawls. “I don’t mean to say that I won’t enjoy the benefits. I’d just like to have gotten here without any trouble.”

[28-Apr-20 11:43 AM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix leans forward in his seat, his left hand resting on his helmet sitting on the table.
“Speaking of benefits, it’s not much, but the next round is on me. . .or rather, the Trandoshans” a wry smile crossing his face.
Rix reaches into one of the pockets attached to his gun belt, and lays a handful of credits on the table

[28-Apr-20 12:51 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
Coincidentally as Rix throws a handfull of credits on the table a server droid comes over with a tray of fresh drinks.

“Your Sullustan counterpart purchased these drinks for you on his way out. Please enjoy.”

[28-Apr-20 12:54 PM] zheadings#6134
Kade takes his glass and gestures with it to the others. “To Vir Nurb and the Lost Lady.”

[28-Apr-20 12:59 PM] viperhide#5728
Daab raises his glass, also, and takes a swig. Daab lightly punches Rix’s shoulder. “Luck continues to favor us, eh? Maybe now is a good time to talk shop.” He opens the crate of weapons to show the others, while not alerting strangers to its presence, then quickly closes the crate. “By my estimation, if we are lucky, we can maybe swap these items, AND dee trandoshan left overs, for roughly 2,000 credits, which would net us 333 credits each. But that’s not good business if we can use some of these items.We can roll a dice if multiple people want dee same item. Is anyone interested in any of these items in particular?”

[28-Apr-20 03:06 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
“Well the Trandoshan weapons, we could probably sell to our Rodian friend from the ship”
Rix takes another drink from his glass
“But..” chuckling “the items from the crate though..We might want to look elsewhere for a buyer. I do prefer staying on the good side of Arms Dealers. At least when possible” **
**”If no one else has any interest in it” **looks around the table
“I have always been curious about a Wrist Launcher. I know a few..uhhh…associates..that swear by them and carbonite canisters for when you want to keep a target alive”**

[28-Apr-20 03:06 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
“and nothing personal against our mechanical friends here, but after dealing with that Protocol Droid on the ship, someone might want to keep that Ion Pistol in case we come across some other robotic trouble”

[28-Apr-20 03:53 PM] Dewmer#4204
The droids nervously glance at eachother. R2 speaks ”That’s probably a good idea. I don’t need any of the weapons—
HK interrupts ”And neither do I. If we come across a Slug pistol, I require a replacement.”

[28-Apr-20 03:58 PM] viperhide#5728
“HK, what about dee Shotgun? It shoots slugs. AND it has burst. Rix, I will roll you for dee wrist launcher. Heh Heh Heh. Anyone else want to roll for it?” @everyone

[28-Apr-20 05:09 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
Looking at @viperhide and raising his eyebrows slightly. “always looking to haggle over something aren’t you” “we can leave it to chance, but the way I saw you move Trandoshans around on the ship, how about we do a high card draw, from this Sabaac deck? Not that I don’t trust you of course…

[28-Apr-20 05:20 PM] viperhide#5728
“My friend, friendship starts with trust. I’ll roll dee dice and close my eyes. Ha Ha
Ha. What do you say?”

[28-Apr-20 05:23 PM] Dewmer#4204
HK thinks about it for a moment then speaks, “The shotgun would be acceptable for our uses. Thank you for the suggestion, Daab.”

[28-Apr-20 05:33 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix squints his eyes and focus them on Daab, looking to see if notices any kind of tell, rubbing his chin in contemplation I’m still not sure what to make of this Toydarian
“Indeed. Indeed. It is about trust. Probably why I don’t count many among my friends. Those you can trust are hard to come by in my line of work”
“but I suppose I’m willing to give you a chance to to earn a little bit of trust. Just keep those hands on the table after the dice start rolling

[28-Apr-20 05:51 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
Rix eyes up his new companion and fully trusts that the Toydarian will be straightforward with the roll for the wrist launcher.

[28-Apr-20 05:52 PM] viperhide#5728

[28-Apr-20 05:54 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
The dice roll out, seem to teeter in Daab’s favor, bit roll over at the last moment giving the prize to the gunslinger.

[28-Apr-20 05:54 PM] viperhide#5728
“To dee winner go dee spoils. Congratulations. Guess I’ll have to buy my own. We can sell dee other items, divide dee credits equally, minus dee items we each take.”

[28-Apr-20 05:56 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
**”Thank you. It looks like lady luck was on my side this time around. I appreciate the fair roll Daab” “It’s always good to see where the folks you’re working with stand” ** Rix gives a small nod of approval towards Daab

[28-Apr-20 06:28 PM] viperhide#5728
“I start off giving everyone dee benefit of dee doubt. But I only allow for one strike. That is dee trade off. HaHaHa.

[28-Apr-20 07:04 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
While discussing the sale of the recently acquired arms, Rix remembers the pistol that HK bought off of the Rodians and realizes what a great deal they got. It could likely be flipped for a good profit towards a potentially better upgrade.

[28-Apr-20 08:18 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
“HK. Remind me. How much did you pay for that pistol you got from the Rodians?”

[28-Apr-20 08:24 PM] Dewmer#4204
“The modified pistol from the Rodians was 500 credits.” He reaches a hand down to R2-03 who produces the pistol from one of their compartments. He takes the pistol and shows it to the table. “What’re you thinking?”

[28-Apr-20 09:21 PM] viperhide#5728
“You purchased that. It should not count as group loot. That being said, if you want to get it appraised and see what you can sell it for, it might be worth dee resale.”

[28-Apr-20 10:00 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
Picks up the pistol and looks it over. Examining the barrel, grip, spinning it in his hand to check the balance. Sliding it back across the table to HK.
“Very nice HK. I’m no expert like Daab on the finer points of selling, but I would say, if you find the right buyer, you could likely double what you paid for it”

[28-Apr-20 10:10 PM] Dewmer#4204
“Thank you, Rix. I hope we will find an appropriate buyer then.” HK take the pistol and tries to do a little flourish but he doesn’t quite get the spin. He sort’ve gives a little huff and holsters the gun.

[28-Apr-20 10:21 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
The rest of the group, and a few nearby anxious onlookers, watch as the battle droid twirls the pistol in his hand. Immediately, every set of eyes on the droid begins to question it’s experience in combat as it’s flourish is anything but. It ends with a few gasps as the click of the trigger goes off. Fortunately, the weapon did not have a power cell loaded at this time.

[28-Apr-20 10:24 PM] Dewmer#4204
“Ah, I’ll get the hang of it one day…” R2 pipes in “You’ll kill us with that think, HK! How can you be so experienced, and then do that?”

[28-Apr-20 10:26 PM] Dewmer#4204
Hk turns and says to them “Practice makes perfect, right?”

[28-Apr-20 10:32 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
Nods in agreement. “Absolutely. I do highly recommend continued practice with a drained power cell, just to be safe”

[28-Apr-20 11:00 PM] Dewmer#4204
HK looks down at the blaster and studies it, ”Yes. Yes that would be the safest route.” He hands it to R2, “Thank you, Rix.”

[28-Apr-20 11:03 PM] viperhide#5728
“Let’s find a vendor soon. But first, we should ask the waiter or barkeep if there are any leads for work.” Daab asks the waiter upon return.

[30-Apr-20 04:46 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
The droid waiter finally stops by to check on the group but is of no help with any potential employment. They take any further drink orders the group has and heads off to retrieve them.

With fresh beverages in front of you, a few more moments pass. Soon after, a jade green protocol droid approaches the table. It looks over the group and then in a polite, static voice, says, “Excuse me, I am hoping to have found a group of individuals referred by a Mr. Nurb.”

[30-Apr-20 04:49 PM] viperhide#5728
“You are in luck! That is us!”

[30-Apr-20 04:53 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
The droid nods and continues, “Excellent. I am H-3P0, a loyal servant of Popara the Hutt, may his hide ever be moist and supple. The august Popara desires a meeting to discuss a matter both of great urgency and extreme delicacy. Mighty Popara requests you attend an audience with him. Generous Popara is willing to compensate you well for both your time and attention.”

[30-Apr-20 04:57 PM] Dewmer#4204
R2 says, ”Compensate? I like the sound of that.” They urn to the rest of the group, ”What do you all think?”

[30-Apr-20 05:29 PM] viperhide#5728
”H-3P0, can we call you Hep? Great! Hep, we are intrigued, how far is dee mighty Popara located?”

[01-May-20 01:47 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
With a tinge of annoyance in the droid’s voice, it replies to the Toydarian,“If you feel the need to abbreviate, please call me H3. Thank you. “

Turning to address the group as a whole, the droid continues, “Popara requests your presence at landing bay X23 tomorrow morning.”

[01-May-20 02:36 PM] Dewmer#4204
HK turns and says to the droid, “Thank you, H-3P0. Is there anything else necessary for us to know before our arrive at landing bay X23?” He turns to the rest of the group and continues talking, “I’m think some of us might want additional information, if you can provide us with such.”

[01-May-20 02:40 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
“I am sorry, but I do not have any specific details on the task at hand. Mighty Popara is looking for someone to complete a mission of mercy.”

[01-May-20 02:52 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
“Very well. I didn’t expect too many details. Hutt’s do like to do their business in person”
“H3, tell Popara, we will be there tomorrow to discuss this matter of urgency”

[01-May-20 02:53 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
turning to the rest of the group “we may want to settle our other business, before we head to the landing bay”

[01-May-20 03:58 PM] viperhide#5728
“I agree Rix. What do you suggest? We do have this data card full of bribe targets. We also have to hit dee local trader to turn in some of these items.”

[01-May-20 06:59 PM] Dewmer#4204
R2 says, “HK, and I just have to sell that blaster and whatever else we have. Otherwise we’re ready to go.”

[04-May-20 02:24 PM] zheadings#6134
Kade coughs slightly and says, “Gimmie just a second, I gotta hit the refresher.” He stands and heads toward the back of the bar.

[04-May-20 03:23 PM] viperhide#5728
Daab looks at the others and says, “Something about Kade just now did not seem right, eh? My (Daab) powers of perception lead me to believe he is contacting someone. Maybe one of us should check in on him?”

[04-May-20 04:02 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
nods at Daab “I thought it was just the alcohol getting to me a bit…. But, yeah, something seemed….off…to me as well”
lightly tapping on the lid of crate of weapons while speaking “I’d really like to avoid any more surprises today. Especially with our appointment tomorrow”

[04-May-20 04:14 PM] viperhide#5728
“Maybe you follow him, with your great stealth, and see if you learn anything? Me and dee droids can go sell these items now, quickly.”

[04-May-20 04:23 PM] Dewmer#4204
HK gives a thumbs up, R2 speaks, “Sounds good to me!”

[04-May-20 04:27 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
Just as Rix is about to stand up and head after Kade, the seemingly dubious human comes out from the back of the cantina and walks back to the group’s table.

[04-May-20 04:28 PM] zheadings#6134
“Alright, I’m ready,” Kade says. “Let’s do some shopping.”

[04-May-20 04:48 PM] viperhide#5728
“We discussed this while you were gone, Kade. Some of us are going to trade in dee weapons and meet up with you after. Feel free to see dee city on your own until we contact you again.”

[04-May-20 05:35 PM] zheadings#6134
“Thought I might come along, but if my company isn’t desired, I can entertain myself elsewhere I guess,” Kade drawls. “I do need to purchase myself another blaster pistol though.”

[04-May-20 06:33 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix looks at Daab and makes a subtle hand gesture.
Rix thinking to himself …if something is going on…I think I’d rather keep Kade where I can see him. Always better to keep eyes on
“well, if we all need to stock up before tomorrow. No sense in splitting up. Besides, might get a better deal if we buy together. Right Daab?

[04-May-20 06:36 PM] viperhide#5728
“Eh he he!!! Right you are Rix. Come, let’s paint dee town red like a lightsaber!”

[04-May-20 06:40 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
“before we head out, that datapad we got from Fepps…seems to be rather sought after. R2, are you able to make a copy of the data. I’m not sure what kind of encryptions or security protocols might be on it, but maybe you can take a look. It never hurts to have a backup. Especially when that data could be valuable”
“what do you think Daab?”

[04-May-20 07:00 PM] viperhide#5728
“Yes Yes of course. Maybe our droids can analyze it for us.” Looks over at the droids.

[04-May-20 07:07 PM] zheadings#6134
“Not sure what’s got into y’all,” Kade says, eyeing Daab and Rix. “But I agree. Making a copy’s probably a safe bet.”

[05-May-20 05:40 PM] Remiy#8406
After finishing a few disciplinary rituals (taught by his Order’s elders) Remii continues to follow and observe the group from a brief distance, wondering ….why does this toydarian keep rambling… and for a brief second gets a sudden urge to swat at him like a passing convor. But that thought passes by the instant he sees HK fumble his pistol “Who keeps giving droids guns” he murmurs. Finally, after seeing a droid of importance had approached the group, Remii slips into the gathering while everyone seemed to be focused intently on Kade, for some odd reason.

[05-May-20 06:36 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
R2 plugs in the datacard and takes his time to analyze the data and see about making a backup of the information. After a few moments however, the droid realizes the datacard is write-protected and it will take a bit more effort to complete its initial objective. So as to not hold up the rest of the group any further, R2 concedes for now, taking note to put some more time into this information when he has time.

Drinks finished, and a growing itch for some bartering, the group makes its way out of the dusty cantina in search for a way to offload their new found merchandise.

Here lies Session 2

You have all met with Popara and received your mission. After an inspection of your new vessel, and a last minute unwanted visit from Zonnos, you head back to your lodging outside of the transport station here in the Corellian sector.

One week to do any final preparations, obtain any final supplies, before you head off to a distant planet and into an unknown and likely dangerous situation.

[15-May-20 05:16 PM] Dewmer#4204
R2-03 and HK head out of their lodging in search of a demolition trainer

[15-May-20 05:20 PM] Dewmer#4204
HK says “I’m not sure how much I trust you to handle explosive, R2.”
R2 says “Well maybe that’ll change after training, right? I mean if I figured out how to get you working again, I’m sure I can learn to make a bomb or too!”

[15-May-20 08:54 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
After finding a friendly old fellow demolitions expert, R2 settles into his studies and comes out ahead of schedule, two weeks total towards his goal.

[15-May-20 11:29 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
Elsewhere, Daab takes an interest in the biochemist’s kit. He finds similar success in his studies just as R2 did and also gains two weeks worth of advancement towards proficiency.

[18-May-20 03:06 PM] viperhide#5728
Daab belches loudly to break the silence in this chat.

[18-May-20 03:28 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix passes by Daab on his way out of the lodging. “It looks like things are in order for our travels. Before we leave Nal Hutta, I’m going to go check the local Guild. See if I can find a quick bounty”
Rix pauses for a moment and turns back to Daab “assuming no complications. I shouldn’t be long. I’ll meet up with everyone back at the spaceport”

[18-May-20 03:34 PM] viperhide#5728
“It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this.” Daab points at HK.

[18-May-20 03:46 PM] Dewmer#4204
HK waves

[19-May-20 10:42 PM] viperhide#5728
“Killer Kade. Has a nice ring to it. “

Please insert Session 3 to continue.

[19-May-20 11:38 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
The now beat up TL-1200 comes to a skidding halt on the north side of one of Endregaad’s many dusty buttes about a half day from Tel Bollin. After finding your feet, you begin to gather what supplies you need for the upcoming journey and discuss any final measures before setting off.

[19-May-20 11:41 PM] viperhide#5728
“If we tell our captives to leave, from this very landing point, then they know where de ship is, in it’s unsecure state. If they try to steal ship, what is to stop them?”

[20-May-20 02:21 AM] Dewmer#4204
HK: ”…You are correct. I believe it would be unwise to let our ‘Friends’ be in a position to locate and possibly steal our vessel. I calculate that we may have the best luck impairing their vision until we reach Tel Bollin in order to stop them from memorizing the path.”

[20-May-20 02:24 AM] Dewmer#4204
R2: ”Not so sure that’s the best plan, H. What if some of the Tel Bollinians find our treatment of our friends here suspicious? Wouldn’t want the big man in the sky on our backs… again.”

[20-May-20 10:11 AM] zheadings#6134
Stepping away from the prisoners, Kade says, “What if we blindfold them, and take a winding path into town? We make it confusing enough, they won’t remember how to get back.”

[20-May-20 10:14 AM] viperhide#5728
“I agree. Let’s also circle dee perimeter of dee city a bit and enter from a different angle then where we landed. If they exit that same way later, they will be more prone to follow that direction further out, giving them less chance to find our ship.”

[20-May-20 10:30 AM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix “R2, is there anything we can easily remove from the ship so it is unusable and take with us? Perhaps a chip or module from the power system so the ship will not function until we return”

[20-May-20 10:39 AM] Dewmer#4204
R2: “Sure, lemme see If i can find a way to keep her grounded”

[20-May-20 12:11 PM] Dewmer#4204
R2 goes to the back of ship and comes back with a couple of circuits in their manipulators, “Welp, she’s not going anywhere!” They store away the circuits, “But just to be sure, lets lock the doors or whatever.”

[20-May-20 12:40 PM] Remiy#8406
“I think my parking job should be sufficient enough to warrant anyone thinking this ship is flyable, but I suppose the circuits are a good bet too”

[20-May-20 12:42 PM] viperhide#5728
“Also want to keep out scavengers.”

[04-Jun-20 02:16 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
<-- Session 4 -->

[04-Jun-20 02:21 PM] viperhide#5728
“Boy I really hope we can save little Giuseppe.”

[04-Jun-20 02:34 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
“Who?…oh, that family? Don’t tell me you’re getting soft Daab?”
Hopefully they do get their vaccines. The whole CSA operation there looked like a mess. I’m just anxious to find this Hutt, get back to Nar Shaddaa and get paid.”

[05-Jun-20 05:02 PM] Dewmer#4204
R2: “Yeah, I’m not one to trust authority already, but boy do the CSA seem terrible.”

[05-Jun-20 05:02 PM] Dewmer#4204
HK “I hope the family is saved.”

[09-Jun-20 09:57 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
The caravan’s leader, Simol Toc, overhears Rix mention a Hutt.

“You lot are looking for Mika? I’d be quite surprised to hear that he is still here. With all that’s going on, you’d figure a Hutt would find their way off the planet at first opportunity. Hopefully nothing has happened to him. He brought good business to Endregaad with his dealings among the geode miners.”

His attention begins to focus back on the trail as he lastly puts in, “If he’s in Temple Valley, you’ll know. You can’t easily hide something like a Hutt.”

[09-Jun-20 10:08 PM] viperhide#5728
To Simol: “What can you tell us about Temple Valley?”

[09-Jun-20 10:50 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
“There’s not much to tell, I’m afraid,” Simol replies.

“Temple Valley is mostly a sprawled out collection of pre-fab units and durasteel and plasticrete lash-ups. Those who chose to stay behind are mostly stubborn geode miners, unfortunately in the grip of the plague.”

[10-Jun-20 10:27 AM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix, directing his attention to Simol. “Simol, is the caravan the primary way in and out of Temple Valley?”

[10-Jun-20 10:59 AM] toddmoonbounce#9276
“No, and in fact, this caravan isn’t much of anything official,” the friendly merchant replies.

“Along with delivering supplies, a majority of those traveling just happen to all be going the same direction. Most are hoping to recover their families from Temple Valley. “

[30-Jun-20 10:30 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
Session 5 & 6 Lie Here

[30-Jun-20 10:44 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
With their first successful mission of the Mighty Popara under their belts, the crew of the newly acquired Gaberra’s Freedom head back to where their paths first crossed, Nar Shaddaa.

[30-Jun-20 10:48 PM] zheadings#6134
Kade stretches, his back popping in several places as he walks down the boarding ramp at the spaceport in Nar Shaddaa. He sighs and turns to the group. “I know we lost out on that second ship partly because of me being a goodie-two-shoes. Drinks are on me. It’s the least I can do.”

[30-Jun-20 10:54 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix, stands up from the table in the Crew Lounge where he’d been cleaning his blasters. Slips both into their holsters and follows Kade down the ramp.

“Well, I’m more than happy to take you up on that. But I think talking it out with the CSA beat the alternative. All in all, still made a good bit of credits. And coming away with a ship is no small thing either”

[01-Jul-20 10:44 AM] viperhide#5728
“Kade. Don’t be to hard on yourself. You usually do what you believe is right. However, in time, you will learn that balance is always the best approach. Have you ever heard dee story of Darth Revan? Mutch like you Kade dee Carver, he was known as Revan dee Butcher…”

[01-Jul-20 11:02 AM] zheadings#6134
“Alright, Daab,” Kade says, exasperated by Daab’s incessant posturing. “I am not a murderer. I killed a being in combat. I have done it before, and I’ve done it since. My only regret is that their death was unnecessary. It could have easily been avoided had you just allowed me to turn over the ship and the rodians to the CSA. She would have owed us a favor. We could have made it down to the planet without bloodshed. But no. You all had to have your money.”

Kade continues forward for a few steps, then hands Daab 100 credits and heads back towards the ship. “Enjoy your drinks,” he says over his shoulder.

[01-Jul-20 11:44 AM] viperhide#5728
“Wow Wow Wee Wow. Wondering what crawled up his jedi garb? Someone please go after him and explain to him that me wanting to share a story over drinks was not reason to storm off. Let him know that we don’t have to speak of dee past.”

[01-Jul-20 11:49 AM] toddmoonbounce#9276
As Kade makes his way back to the ship, his comm pings with a message.

[01-Jul-20 12:20 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix watching the exchange from a short distance while leaning against the frame of the spaceport door, his helmet held at his side
“Daab, my friend, my Uncle once told me, some people are like Tevraki whiskey, an acquired taste. I think for Kade you fall squarely in the category” Rix chuckles slightly.
“I’m sure Kade will be alright in time, just not quite the same shoot-first types that you and I are. But diplomacy can also be a profitable course in it’s own right”

[01-Jul-20 01:25 PM] zheadings#6134
As soon as Kade makes his way back to the ship, he opens up the message with curiosity.

[01-Jul-20 01:32 PM] viperhide#5728
MESSAGE “Dear Kade. I understand I may have pushed you too far. You are right, we all made choices, and our choices are what ultimately have caused dee events that unfolded. Come back to the cantina. Let’s discuss dee future. We can forget dee past.”

[01-Jul-20 01:35 PM] Dewmer#4204
R2: ”Yikes, that was less than fun to watch. Let’s hope he’s ok. I’d be careful bringing it up, friends. I’m rolling over porg eggshells as it is”

[01-Jul-20 01:43 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
Kade opens the message to see a request for further contact from the Republic when he has the opportunity to do so via holocall.

[01-Jul-20 01:49 PM] zheadings#6134
Kade moves to the cockpit of the ship to use the holocomm. He pulls up the commlink frequency he received the message on. Waiting until he’s sure the link is established, he says in a clipped, Coruscanti accent. “Jedi Carver here.”

[01-Jul-20 01:56 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
(outside of the ship)
Rix, noticing R2 “Hey R2, can you do me a quick favor, and give me a download of the information we pulled off that Trandoshan datapad”
Looking over to those nearby “If there are no objections, I’d like to go visit the local bounty hunter guild office and see if I can get information on these bounties. I’m not sure if those Trandoshans were working for the guild or have friends we need to be watching out for”

[01-Jul-20 02:12 PM] Dewmer#4204
R2: ”Sure thing, Rix!” He starts to try to give a download.

HK: ”I can accompany you if you’d like, though I’m sure you can handle yourself.”

[01-Jul-20 05:26 PM] Remiy#8406
Remii stretches out his legs after finishing the last of his drink. “Rix, take care for any “abnormal” types showing up in the guild, more then usual that is.”

[01-Jul-20 10:15 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
Connecting to the holocomm, Lt. Luca Kilian of the Republic appears before Kade. “Jedi Carver, on behalf of the Republic I would like to congratulate you on your success of retrieving the navigational data for the Indrexu Spiral.”

The Lieutenant continues on talking about the benefits this information will bring to the Republic. Lastly before ending the transmission, he says to the Jedi, “We have come across some enhancements that will likely prove useful in your continued ventures and will have them transported to your current location in exchange for your good work.”

[01-Jul-20 11:23 PM] zheadings#6134
Kade nods. “Thank you, leftenant,” he says. “I appreciate the assistance. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you. Carver out.”

Kade returns to his room and kicks his boots up on the small desk within, closing his eyes for a nap.

[02-Jul-20 09:24 AM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix, looking to Remii “Indeed. Nar Shaddaa certainly has it’s fair share of colorful characters”
Then turning to HK “You’re more than welcome to join me on the way to the Guild, but you’ll probably need to wait outside once we arrive, most Guild halls don’t exactly appreciate non-members entering”

[02-Jul-20 04:50 PM] Dewmer#4204
HK: “Affirmative.”

[02-Jul-20 05:47 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix, after completing the download of information from R2, motions with a head nod to HK.

Turning to Daab and Remii “We’ll reach out over Comms if we run into any useful information

Reaching the doorway, Rix pauses for a moment to put on his helmet, and heads towards the Nar Shaddaa bounty hunter guild hall.

[03-Jul-20 02:07 AM] Dewmer#4204
HK keeps pace with Rix while walking towards the guild hall. He takes a moment to stop analyzing the crowds and turns his optical sensors to Rix, ”So, Rix. How did you get into this line of work, if you do not mind my inquiring? It has been… quite a long time since I had last acquired a mission to do with bounty hunting.”

[03-Jul-20 01:18 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix, slows his walk, finding a clear wall to lean up against. His right hand dropping instinctively to rest on the grip of his modified blaster pistol and his eyes peering towards the crowd through the visor of his helmet.

“Well HK, I guess you could say this line of work sort of found me. When I was younger, my parents were killed when their shop was robbed. A little time later I crossed paths with an old bounty hunter. Now I couldn’t tell you why, but he must have seen some potential in me, or hell maybe he just felt sorry for me. But he took me in and trained me and taught me everything he knew.”

Rix chuckles “Most kids become apprentices for a merchant or mechanic”

Rix, pauses for a moment and stretches his hand ” I owe that guy a lot….but I’ve been in this life ever since. What about you HK, you’ve done some bounty hunting in the past?”

[03-Jul-20 02:41 PM] Dewmer#4204
HK leans back and forth on his mechanical legs, “Ah, understood. Unfortunate that that happened to you, however, I am glad you are with us now.” He fiddle with his arm absentmindedly, “I do not remember much from before R2-03 resurrected me on Arvala-7, but I know I was once an assassin and bounty hunter, and I was owned by some sort of corporation. The meaning of ‘HK’ is Hunter-Killer, which should tell you something…”

[03-Jul-20 02:41 PM] Dewmer#4204
He stops fidgeting and looks at the crowd, “We guess that I was subject to many memory wipes, but I have not had one since I’ve been fixed up. I am very thankful for that.”

[03-Jul-20 02:56 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix, turning his body towards the Droid glancing at his movements. interesting, he moves almost subconsciously it feels at times, like a human.

“Yes, that is good you have not been wiped since then. I can’t imagine what it would feel like to not know your past. Though at times there are moments when I’d like to forget parts of mine. I’ve encountered just a few HK units in my time. I must say, it’s nice having you on our side. You and R2 make a pretty formidable pair. How long have you been running with R2?”

[03-Jul-20 06:31 PM] Dewmer#4204
”The unknowing… scares me. I’m glad we have met in better standing than your previous interactions with my model.” He looks at the ground briefly, then back up, ”R2 and I have only been working together for three years, which is when he found me deactivated on Arvala-7. Once we escaped off planet we took up smuggling and repair jobs.”

[03-Jul-20 06:46 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
“Smuggling, now that is a tricky business. Can put you on the wrong side of a lot of folks. Pirates, the Law, Crime Bosses. But credits don’t earn themselves”. Rix, gathering himself from leaning against the wall. “Speaking of credits, hopefully we can get some information and maybe a bounty from the Guild. I’m sure we could all use a little more spending money. HK, keep an eye out for anything suspicious. You never know if Bomu has friends around and news travels fast.”

[03-Jul-20 07:17 PM] Dewmer#4204
”Sounds like a plan. I will keep my sensors tuned” He turns to follow and starts “scanning” the crowd. I sure wish credits earned themselves

[06-Jul-20 12:59 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix turns toward the crowded street and continues the trip towards the Guild hall.

[06-Jul-20 01:30 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
As the pair continues on, suddenly there is a heavy metal thud as HK collapses to the ground.

[06-Jul-20 01:49 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix, startled by the sound of metal hitting the ground just behind his left shoulder, begins to spin towards the sound. He swings his right arm bringing his hand to the grip of his RSKF-44 blaster and starts to draw it from it’s worn leather holster.

[06-Jul-20 02:02 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
HK at his feet, Rix then sees a large menacing Trandoshan slowly walking towards them, blaster in hand pointed at the human.

“You’ve been a bit tough to track down,” the creature says in it’s typical lizard-hiss voice. “Probably wissse of you to do ssso after murdering Currsssk and Keerag and ssstealing their bounty. I’d asssk you to join me to the guild but it looksss like you’re already on your way there. How convenient.”

Keeping his weapon pointed at Rix, the Trandoshan slowly kneels down to HK and takes the droids weapons. He stands back up and hits a couple codes in his wristpad and HK slowly reanimates.

“Let’sss go,” he says while motioning with his weapon to move along.

[06-Jul-20 02:34 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
A scowl forms behind Rix’s helmet as he looks down to see HK on the ground. Seeing the Trandoshan already has his weapon drawn, Rix slowly releases the grip of his blaster, letting it slide back into it’s holster. “If you wanted to talk, we could have talked face to face, no need to sneak up and attack the droid from behind”

Turning his attention to HK “are you alright HK?”

[06-Jul-20 02:39 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
The Trandoshan dismisses Rix’s attempt at diplomacy and urges them forward. “We’ll have plenty of time to talk with the guildmassster. Move it.”

[06-Jul-20 02:43 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
“Alright, alright. Just take it easy. No need to wave the weapon about in a crowd” Rix slowly turns back towards the direction of the Guild hall.

After several steps. “I don’t believe I caught your name” Rix says while continuing to walk and turning his head to the side to get a look at the Trandoshan and observe what he was doing.

[06-Jul-20 03:47 PM] Dewmer#4204
HK, a little confused from his sudden reanimation says,

“I think so, what has happened?”

He reaches for his various holsters in a vain attempt to find his weapons,

“Where are my…”

He stops and looks at the human , pausing to think
The hidden blade that R2 integrated, it is probably still there

[06-Jul-20 03:51 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
“Ssoh,” the Trandoshan replies.

Ssoh offers nothing further on the rest of the trip to the guild hall. As the group enters, a vast array of species are seen gathered about the main room. Most of them turn their attention to the newcomers if only for a moment and then return to their own matters. Some sit together, some keep to themselves in the darker shadows.

As Ssoh nudges Rix and HK forward, a man at the end of the room sitting at a large desk looks up acknowledging their presence and raises a hand welcoming them to join him.

“Ssoh! I see you found the recusant. Please, have a seat, Mr. Ferren,” the human male says in a deep and commanding voice.

[06-Jul-20 03:59 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
As the group walks through the main room, Rix’s eyes dart back and forth making note of the layout of the main room, locating doorways, windows, and anyone that seems to be packing heavy weaponry,

Slightly annoyed by being nudged by Ssoh, Rix stops for a moment and turns his head back towards the Trandoshan then slowly towards the man at the desk. “if you wanted to talk, I’d have been happy to stop by without the welcoming party Rix, gestures with his head towards Ssoh.

Rix moves forward to the desk and sits down in a relaxed posture in one of the chairs. Keeping his right leg positioned at an ideal angle for access to his holster.

“I was actually on my way to check-in with the Guild when we got jumped”

[06-Jul-20 04:14 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
The man behind the desk gives a nod to Rix as he sits and then calls out to the Trandoshan as he begins to walk away, “Ssoh, it looks like you have something that belongs to our guests.” He waves his hand towards the Czerka Arms Adventurer slung over Ssoh’s shoulder. With a huff, Ssoh turns the weapon over to the droid accompanying Rix and then resumes his leave.

“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Ferren. I’m Castin Saar, guild master of this House. I trust you understand the reason for the welcoming party?

[06-Jul-20 04:19 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
slowly removing his helmet, Rix looks towards Castin. “Nice to meet you Castin. I have not had the pleasure of visiting this House before. “
Rix, keeping a relaxed posture in the chair. “Well Ssoh was a little light on the details, but from what I could gather, I’m assuming it has something to do with the Trandoshans who were involved in the attack on the civilian transport I was on, the Lost Lady”

[06-Jul-20 04:26 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
“And please explain why you found it necessary to not only interfere with Cursk and Keerag’s acquisition but slay them in the process as well.”

[06-Jul-20 04:32 PM] Dewmer#4204
HK happily accepts his rifle back and quietly listens while scanning around the room for trouble

[06-Jul-20 04:35 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix sitting up a bit straighter in the chair “am I to assume they were Guild members of your House? They did not identify themselves as such, nor make any effort to indicate they were acquiring a bounty” pausing for a moment to allow his response to sink in.
“as to my actions while on the transport, as the civilian Rix taking care to emphasize the word “transport was under fire from an attack ship who seemed to be working with Cursk and Keerag, I found my actions necessary to protect my own interests. Namely arriving to Nar Shaddaa in one piece and not in pieces floating in orbit”

[06-Jul-20 04:43 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
gesturing towards HK “this droid was also present on the ship, who can also speak to what occurred on the Lost Lady”

[06-Jul-20 05:18 PM] Dewmer#4204
HK starts to wave but realizes it might be a bad idea,

”Yes. I was aboard the Lost Lady with Rix. I can recount the events accurately.”

[06-Jul-20 07:24 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
Castin puts up his hand as a sign to the droid that it won’t need to continue. “I do my best to be open minding with my associates as well as any newcomers, and, Cursk and Keerag had quite the reputation for acting outside the lines of the Creed. I’ve seen no previous issues in your licensed history, Mr. Ferren, and if you are able to excuse the escort as a simple formality, I would be happy to extend a probationary invitation to our House.”

[06-Jul-20 07:54 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix, slides back in the chair “I appreciate you hearing me out on the situation. I know some Houses aren’t so open minded when it comes to an outsider. As for the invitation, I’m unsure how long exactly I’ll be in the region, but I would take you up on the offer and pick up some Guild work.”.
Rix, reaches into one of the pockets on his bandolier and pulls out a small data disk ” after the enounter with the Trandoshans, we did procure this data. It appears to contain information on a few bounties. Knowing now that there were members, I assume these were jobs through the Guild?”

[06-Jul-20 10:44 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
Castin takes the data disk and inserts it into a datapad on his desk pulling up the bounty information it contains. After a quick review, he returns the disk to Rix.

“Yes, these three acquisitions were all assigned to Cresk and Keerag. Make good on them in the next few weeks and you can consider that your initiation. Good luck, Mr. Ferren, see you around.”

[07-Jul-20 04:54 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix nods “Until next time” placing the bounty pad into one of his pockets.
Rix stands up from the chair to leave holding his helmet under his left arm, nods to HK and walks out of Castin’s office, bounties in hand.

[07-Jul-20 10:33 PM] Dewmer#4204
“That was a lot more ‘being deactivated by a trandoshan’ than I expected, but I am glad that it worked out for the best.” HK fidgets more as he walks out.

[08-Jul-20 05:36 PM] IndianaSlone#8126
Rix looks to HK and a sly smile crosses his face. “Don’t worry, when we tell this story, we definitely didn’t get jumped by the Trandoshan”

[09-Jul-20 11:50 AM] toddmoonbounce#9276
Rix and HK make their way back to the hangar where Gaberra’s Freedom is parked; the groups temporary lodgings while in-between work for Popara.

Daab has settled into the medbay to continue his biochemist training. R2 carries out an maintenance and upkeep on the ship as needed as well as fine tuning a few modifications on HK. Remii mostly keeps to his living quarters while following his strict meditation regimen.

After a couple rotations pass, a delivery droid arrives at the hangar bay with a small crate. In a shy, nasally tone, the droid calls out in the silence outside of the ship.

“Hello? Delivery for…Carver. Kade Carver?”

[09-Jul-20 12:48 PM] zheadings#6134
Kade heads down the boarding ramp and nods to the droid. “I’m Kade,” he says. “Where do I sign?”

[09-Jul-20 01:14 PM] toddmoonbounce#9276
The droid produces a datapad for Kade to sign off on the delivery. He then hands over the crate and heads on his way.